What are Key Requirements of Cost Modelling in BIM Environment ?

1 min readSep 8, 2020


Automatically import design result

The estimators can make use of the design result of IFC data automatically. There is no need to manually identify the drawing and to establish the model which could eliminate manual reworks, increase speed and improve productivity.

Interactive 3D visualization

Users can enjoy the best performance of 3D building model navigation and object details examination. The 3D building elements and cost items are highly interactive and selectable. Support interactive data modifications.

Intelligent match

Building elements can be automatically linked to cost items through the intelligent judgment of the building element’s properties. This feature reduces a great deal of effort of estimators.

Intelligent change management

If the design is changed, the next generation Construction Cost Estimation software can display changed, new, and deleted objects, and automatically update the quantities. The cost estimating can be easily adjusted. This feature helps the estimators to deal with the design change efficiently.

Export the standard cost estimating data

Export the standard IFC data file which include building element’s dimensions, construction process and cost items data so that the downstream software, such as construction management software, information reuse software can directly use the data.



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