Shop drawings and its benefits to Construction

2 min readOct 28, 2020


What are shop drawings?

Shop drawings refers to the set of drawing contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers or fabricators. They generally relate to pre-fabricated components, showing how they should be manufactured or installed. They take design intent drawings and specifications prepared by the project design team and develop them to show in detail how the component will actually be manufactured, fabricated, assembled or installed.

Shop drawings might be prepared for components such as structural steelwork, reinforcement, lifts, building services equipment, appliances, ductwork, piping, plumbing, windows, cabinets, electrical and data layouts, fire protection and so on.

The most significant benefits of using shop drawings in construction are:

It facilitates the engineers in better design fabrication, installation, schedule trades and in other similar activities

It reduces the time for contractors and engineers and help in updating the final results

It offers the next level of detail for installation and fabrication

An architect or engineer can take the dimensional accuracy of fabricated building components from shop drawing.

Shop drawings can be used as documentation to be later referred to if something is missed, It could be the designers fault or the manufacturers fault, keeping a documentation of drawings can guide a pathway to the solution of problems that may arise and can help to determine a further action to correct the error, such as; Using the actual drawing dimensions to instruct the site installers to cut off a part of the column and ensure it matches the drawing as intended.

The backup of shop drawings from previous projects can help to standardize the sheet presentation and drawing style of a shop drawing.

A trainee can look at the construction information on a shop drawing learn how to really make a building work.

Shop drawings help to determine accurately the cost of materials needed for manufacture. They help to prevent too much or too less of a material being ordered and consequently help to prevent time wastage and overstock of items.

If you think that your project needs shop drawings for MEP, then we recommend hiring a shop drawing services provider like Lupiter Technologies . We have expert designers, architects, and drafters whose extensive experience will bring a rich and versatile experience to your next project.
We’re available round the clock. Call us today to schedule a free consultation with our team!



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