Learn BIM to increase productivity

3 min readSep 8, 2020


Construction is a very complex business that requires the coordination and financing of many different teams working over a long period of time. Due to this, it’s understandable that projects tend to be logistical nightmares. However, technology is constantly improving and one type of program is proving itself to be of enormous help when it comes to construction projects.

What is BIM ?

BIM is a digital representation of the complete physical and functional characteristics of a built asset. A BIM model can contain information on design, construction, logistics, operation, maintenance, budgets, schedules and much more. This depth of information contained within BIM enables a richer analysis than traditional processes and it has the potential to integrate large quantities of data across several disciplines throughout the building’s lifecycle.

Some believe that BIM is just 3D modelling, but it is so much more than that. It features more than 3D (which includes width, height, and depth). Namely, it also includes 4D (time), 5D (cost), as well as 6D (as-built operation).

Improves Communication

As a lifecycle model, BIM begins in the early stages of a project. Designers are likely to benefit from fundamental changes to the design process and the greater certainty between design intent and the final construction and operation of the building.while 75% report that it improves multi-party communication and understanding, primarily from greater ability to visualize and share information in 3-D.

Error reduction

As well as design and layout information, each project stakeholder has access to scheduling, financial, performance and materials data from the beginning of the project. This ability to share and collaborate promotes design decisions that optimise the building when it is cheap and easy to make changes, unlike latter phases, when alterations can have significant construction and lifecycle costs.

Project Management

Many project managers also report fewer errors, reduced rework, shorter project durations and lower overall construction costs when employing BIM in the early phases of a project. BIM’s ability to visualize design options make it quick, easy and cheap to validate options against key performance criteria, keeping costs down and increasing the certainty of project outcomes.


Construction professionals see productivity gains as a result of more precise design and trade co-ordination, automated conflict avoidance, easier design interpretation, greater accuracy and fewer change orders.

BIM’s sophisticated modelling capabilities also enable builders to make much greater use of prefabricated materials and pre-assembled components, which have well-documented productivity and quality advantages. In the United States, 81% of contractors say this is the single most important benefit of moving to a BIM-based construction model.

Asset Management

BIM’s real-time performance monitoring and asset management processes also lead to high-quality post construction outcomes. The greatest advantages for public sector asset managers are likely to arise from a new ability to create and manage building and infrastructure assets faster, more economically and with less environmental impact.

Asset managers, owners and occupants can optimise the building’s systems and performance for human comfort and safety

Learn BIM for a Bright Future

Regsiter now : https://lupiter.co.in/training-lead



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