Benefits of Implementing BIM in Concept stage

3 min readJan 3, 2021


Architectural and engineering design is a task for large teams consisting of specialists, such as architects, constructors, installation engineers, quantity surveyors, project managers. For many centuries the basis of the projects
were (and are) 2D drawings (plans, sections, elevations) of designed building in a symbolic manner, in accordance with the principles accepted by all participants in this process. Usually the architectural concept is fundamentally different from the final design and structural design. Architects mainly use sketches of bodies (3D elements shown in
perspective) whereas civil engineers — plans or details drawings. Another source of confusions or mistakes are two types of plans: architectural projection shows what is below the cut surface, which is usually located at a height of 1 m above the designed floor, as an architect is interested in the layout of the designed story. In contrast, a building (construction) plan shows what is under the ceiling of the floor considered by architect, since constructor is interested in the substructure supporting the floor considered by architect.

BIM benefits at this particular stage of design can be categorized as the following items:

Accurate visualization:

One important driver of BIM adoption is the advantages of 3D representation which this kind of visualization assist the design team to understand the design and resolve the problems better. This is known as the key benefit of BIM which provides accurate geometrical representation of the building’s components in a database.

Design optimisation:

By BIM implementation, Design “errors” and mistakes are significantly reduced thus fewer changes needed in later stages of design . Design alternatives can be precisely analyzed and simulated fast which can improve innovative design solutions end up with better and higher quality design.

Design Coordination:

A Building Information Model provides an integrated database of the building thus within a single database coordination among design team members can be improved and information can be shared more easily BIM facilitates communication between designers assuring them that there will be no clashes, conflicts or errors in later stages.

Environmental analysis:

The integration of BIM with performance analysis tools provides complex analysis allowing the architects to have easy access to tools thus feedback on design alternatives would be achieved fast and early in the design process . At this stage to model the thermal zones and achieve building the amounts of energy usage, a perimeter and core thermal modelling approach is used and the designer can make some limited changes to the defaults to test design variations. Eventually this can enhance the design in terms of building orientation, building massing and skin type, daylighting analysis, water harvesting, sustainable materials and masonry.

Cost estimation:

At this early stage, all the geometric information required for quantities is already available in the model therefore, quantity take-off can be automatically driven from the Building Information Model, accurate cost estimation can be provided which supports fast feedback on design.

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